Single moms often find themselves with a considerable amount of debt. In many cases, they must start from scratch after a divorce. The debt quickly adds up, as they begin a new chapter in their life. However, there are options for debt relief for single moms.
If you are a single mom drowning in debt, it is important that you have a full understanding of how much debt you exactly have. In order to find relief from debt, be sure that you sit down and make a compiled list of all of your current debt. Once you have an accurate list, then you can more effectively work to eliminate it.
Many single moms do not have equity in a home. However, if you do, then you may want to consider a home equity loan that can be used for debt consolidation. With consolidation, you compile all of your debt into one larger debt. Although you are compiling the debt into a larger debt, over time you will save a considerable amount of money. Since you will only be paying one single interest rate, you will be able to save the amount of money you are paying towards interest.
If you do not currently have a home or do not have equity in your current home, you can look at obtaining a personal loan. With a personal loan, you can pay off your other debt, just like with a home equity loan. Debt settlement is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get out of debt, without filing for bankruptcy.
A debt settlement company will help to negotiate and lower your overall debt with your creditors. Your creditor will agree to accept a single payment to pay off your debt. Once the creditor accepts the single payment, they will then report to the credit bureaus that you have fulfilled your debt obligation. They will report to the bureau that you have either "paid" off your debt, "settled" or "settled for less than full amount". When in financial hardships, creditors are generally willing to accept a lower amount than you actually owe. They do this because they realize if you file bankruptcy, they may receive nothing.
Credit counseling can also help with debt relief. Credit counselors can work with you to reduce your monthly payments and/or create a debt repayment plan. Though it may take longer to pay off your overall debt, you will be left with more money each month to pay other bills. Make sure that you choose a reputable counseling service. You can ask family and friends for recommendations or check with the Better Business Bureau.
In some instances, it may be necessary to file bankruptcy. By doing so, you can begin with a fresh start. There are two basic types of bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. With Chapter 7, you will need to sell off your non-exempt assets in order to make an attempt to repay your creditors. However, with Chapter 13, you will make a Repayment plan by the bankruptcy courts.
Debt relief for single mothers could be simpler than previously thought. There are several steps you can take to step on the path to financial freedom. More importantly, once you've reached the point where you are free of debt, stay there.
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